Protecting plants and trees from livestock, guaranteeing their natural growth.

Future-proof against erosion

Revegetation is an important component of effective erosion control. Tree guards aid by protecting new plantings and enabling the establishment of shelter belts on your farm or property.

Safe for your livestock.

Rigorously tested on our own beef and deer farm. The tree guard mesh essentially acts like a thorny shrub, discouraging stock from grazing on young trees, allowing natural plant growth.

Establishing Shade and Shelter

Tree Guards help protect new plantings, encouraging the establishment of shade and shelter belts on your property while still maximizing your grazing land.

“Trialing this product on our own Deer and Beef farm in Hawke's Bay last year, we were immediately sold. It is the first time we have had a product that keep both beef and deer from damaging our tree plantings. As this product couldn’t be purchased in New Zealand we decided to take up the New Zealand agency.” — Anne & Garth McVicar

What People Are Saying

“Couldn't recommend the tree guards highly enough!! We planted 100 poplar cuttings in an erodible paddock in 2020 and were able to put stock straight back into the paddock with the tree guards. We then went on to plant 100 shade and shelter trees, with trees in each paddock of our farm, and have had a 100% success rate without any sheep or cattle exclusion.

The higher price is outweighed with the added benefits of being able to reuse them, the greater success rate and no need for any stock exclusion from the paddock.”

— Isabelle and Patrick Crawshaw, Hawkes Bay

“We have loved using Tree Guards on our lifestyle block. They are easy to install, reusable, and versatile.

Stock don't touch them, and as a side benefit we found them excellent for protecting baleage in the open paddock last winter. Tree Guards come highly recommended!!!”

— Bronwyn Verry, Hawkes Bay

Tree Guards in action

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We’re always looking for new distribution opportunities, please get in touch.